Master programme (LL.M.) in cooperation with the Ivane Javakhishvili State University Tbilisi
Group picture of graduates of the master program
Since 2007, there is a close cooperation between the University of Cologne and the Ivane Javakhishvili State University in Tbilisi (Georgia), established by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Foreign Office. Every year, up to 15 Georgian students with excellent German skills have the opportunity to complete this postgraduate programme and spend one semester together with German students at the University of Cologne. The University awards successful graduates the academic degree of “Master of Laws” (LL.M.). The programme has an additional special feature thanks to the financial support from the DAAD and the Tbilisi partner university and the intensive supervision from both Cologne and the Georgian side. In Tbilisi, German research fellows supervise the students, who at the same time practise working on cases with the students in study groups.
Students can expect to study the basics of all sub-disciplines of German law. The standard period of study is two semesters. In the first semester, courses in German civil, criminal and public law are taught in the form of block courses in Tbilisi by members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Cologne within the framework of the “Flying Faculty” programme. Lecturers also include Georgian personnel that is already familiar with German law being an alumnus or alumna of this programme and/or a PhD student.
Further information are available on the website of the Centre for International Relations of the Faculty of Law.

Academy for European Human Rights Protection
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50937 Köln
Telephone +49 221 470-5584
E-mail marie-sophie.peters(at)