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Cologne/Bonn Branch of the DGO

The German Association for East European Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde, DGO) is the largest network within the German speaking realm engaged in research on East European affairs. The DGO serves as a forum for the discussion and analysis of politics, economics, and culture in Europe’s East. It provides information about current developments, serves as a conduit of knowledge, and promotes dialogue between East and West. DGO members are important multipliers from academia, politics, commerce and industry, cultural life, and the media. The DGO is an independent, non-profit organisation based in Berlin, and a member of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES).

In addition to the head office in Berlin, over 20 branch offices serve as regional platforms for East-West dialogue.

The Cologne part of the Cologne/Bonn branch has been affiliated with the Institute of Eastern European and Comparative Law at the University of Cologne since 2021 and is headed by Professor Angelika Nußberger. The Bonn part of the Cologne/Bonn branch is attached to the Department of Eastern European History at the University of Bonn under the direction of Professor Martin Aust.

Upcoming Events 

The Cologne/Bonn branch regularly organises events on topics related to Central and Eastern Europe with German as well as foreign guests. To be added to the mailing list, please send an e-mail to All events of the DGO head office in Berlin and the DGO branches can be found under this link

Past Events

Panel Discussion on "The Situation of Women and LGBTIQ+ in Poland. Perspectives on the Recent Women's Strike"

Discussion: A State without citizens? Russia on the edge of totalitarianism


Laura Jäckel
Research Assistant

Academy for European Human Rights Protection

Kerpener Str. 30
50937 Köln

E-mail laura.jaeckel(at)
