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Welcome to the Institute of Eastern European and Comparative Law!

Institute of Eastern European and Comparative Law (formerly the Institute for Eastern European Law) was combined with the Academy for European Human Rights Protection in 2021. The Institute is specialised in research and teaching on topics related to law in Central and Eastern European countries. The director of the Institute is Professor Dr. Angelika Nußberger. This website overviews all projects, courses and cooperations concerning the Institute. Current research projects on Central and Eastern European law can be found on the research page.



Prof. Nußberger in conversation with WDR

Prof. Nußberger was in conversation with WDR on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2024.

The topic of the interview was her newly published children's book “Free and Equal - Human Rights.”

She talks about why, as a professor, she decided to write a young people's book and explains which real-life cases inspired her to do so.

Listen to the entire 10-minute interview here. [German]

Romano-Guardini Prize: Award for Prof. Angelika Nußberger

Prof. Angelika Nußberger was awarded the Romano-Guardini Prize 2024 on December 10, 2024.

The award was presented to her at a ceremony in Munich. The laudatory speech was given by the former President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Prof. Dr. Andreas Voßkuhle. Further speeches were given by Joachim Herrmann, Minister of the Interior of the Free State of Bavaria, and Cardinal Reinhard Marx.

The Romano Guardini Prize has been awarded since 1970 and honors outstanding services to the interpretation of time and the world in various areas of life.

Prof. Nußberger received the prize for her commitment to certain topics, in particular the protection of human rights, the preservation of the rule of law, the special features of international law in Central and Eastern Europe and the debate on Russia's political system.

We would like to congratulate Prof. Angelika Nußberger on receiving this special prize from the Academy.

New IACL Blog series with Prof. Nußberger: Spotlight on the Venice Commission

Introduction to new IACL Blog series: Spotlight on the Venice Commission

Helle Krunke & Angelika Nußberger

President of the IACL & Chair of the IACL Commission on the Cooperation with the Venice Commission

The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) and the Venice Commission have a long-standing cooperation. They have a lot in common, especially the strong focus on democracy, rule of law, and human rights, within and beyond Europe. The IACL has observer status in the Venice Commission, and the Venice Commission has observer status in the Executive Commission of the IACL. While the Venice Commission focuses more on practical work, issuing opinions on constitutional amendments and new laws, the IACL brings together constitutionalists from all continents and contributes to a better understanding of the similarities and differences of legal systems worldwide; thus, their work is complementary and mutually inspiring. 

That is why the IACL and the Venice Commission have already organized several conferences together. The next joint conference with the topic “Lessons Learned and Learning Lessons. The Venice Commission’s Experience in Elaborating Transnationally Valid Constitutional Standards” will be held in Venice on 12 March 2025.

In light of the valued cooperation between the IACL and the Venice Commission, the IACL Commission on the Cooperation between the IACL and the Venice Commission, will introduce a new IACL Blog series to discuss important opinions of the Venice Commission.

The very first blog post in the new series is on Opinion No. 1181/2024 on the draft law amending the law on the national council of the judiciary in Poland. It is written by Francesco Biagi and entitled “Constitutional Repair in Poland: The Venice Commission’s Opinion on the Draft Law Amending the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary”. We hope to contribute to the academic debates of the opinions of the Venice Commission, and to draw attention to the work of the Venice Commission within and outside Europe.



more news

Angelika Nussberger, Eine neue Verfassung für Russland?, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16. Oktober 2024

Júlia Miklasová, The Conflation of Jurisdiction and Attribution Tests, the ‘Law,’ and the International Legal Status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia: A Review of Recent ECtHR Case Law, Strasbourg Observers, 23 August 2024

Júlia Miklasová, Secession in International Law with a Special Reference to the Post-Soviet Space (Brill 2024)

Julia Miklasova, Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea): Article 6 ECHR in the Context of Russia’s Annexation and Implications for Ukrainian Sovereignty, in: Strasbourg Observers, 03.07.24

Angelika Nußberger, Globuli gegen Diktaturen, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03.04.2024

Angelika Nußgerger & Claus Kreß, Gerechtigkeit als Utopie?, Völkerrechtliche Verbrechen in der Ukraine, in: Politikum, Heft 4/23, p. 11-17

J. Miklasová, Dissolution of the Soviet Union Thirty Years On: Re-Appraisal of the Relevance of the Principle of Uti Possidetis Iuris, in Viñuales/Clapham/Boisson de Chazournes/Hébié (eds.), The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century, Brill, 2023

Júlia Miklasová, Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on International Law: How States Use the UN General Assembly to Create International Obligations. By Rossana Deplano, British Yearbook of International Law, 2022

Angelika Nußberger & Lauri Mälksoo, Völkerrecht à la russe, Multipolarität versus Universalität, in: Osteuropa, 73. Jahrgang, Heft 7-9/2023, p. 193-208

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